Free LinkedIn Optimization eBook
Hi there. If you’re new here then my name is Johnny Bravo.
I run The Sales Pro Blog and I’m excited you’ve found your way to this page because today you’re going to learn how to make your LinkedIn profile stand out from a crowd over 200 million strong.
How you ask? Well by getting your free copy of my eBook “Top 9 Tips For Using LinkedIn Like A Sales Pro“.
This eBook is intended for anyone who:
- Needs help developing their professional brand,
- Is looking for a new job or career,
- Is a new college grad with little experience,
- Who is brand spanking new to LinkedIn or online professional branding,
- Wants to replace negative search results with a professional profile they control,
- Needs help using LinkedIn effectively to grow their business.
If any of the above applies to you then you’ll get a lot of value from this eBook. Also it tells me that we are a lot alike. When I first started using LinkedIn I had no idea what I was doing.
I pretty much thought it was a résumé hosting site. Easy enough right? Copy and paste and I was done.
I was SO wrong!
In the beginning my LinkedIn my profile was a joke. It was either missing important information or simply a rehashed version of my résumé. Because of this I barely had anyone view my profile, my over all professional brand was nowhere to be found, and no one knew who I was. Not ideal for a sales professional.
However through trial and error, intense research, and staying on top of current trends and LinkedIn profile changes I’ve found the techniques that work and have helped me to be successful on and off LinkedIn.
But I do want to point out one ting. I do not have a flashy email or blog post stating that I was one of the top 1%-5%-10%-etc most viewed LinkedIn profiles. I don’t target the masses. Sorry that’s not me.
There are plenty of “LinkedIn Experts” out there that can show you how to get as many views as possible. I’m not one of them. I don’t claim to be a LinkedIn Expert and I don’t believe 100,000 views will help you if they are not targeted viewers.
I’m just an average guy selling property management software in Los Angeles who has learned how to use the tools at his disposal to be found, be heard, and be recognized.
So what can an average guy like me possibly help you with? Instead of focusing on the masses I will show you how to be seen as an expert in YOUR field by YOUR prospects and YOUR industry. I’ll help you put your LinkedIn profile in front of the people you want to be in front of and who will make a difference in your life.
I will show you how to optimize your LinkedIn profile for maximum exposure to YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE.
Here Is What You Will Learn Through My eBook:
- The importance of a professional photo and how to use it
- Understanding your headline
- Using Keywords appropriately for maximum effectiveness
- Where to find like-minded individuals
- How to be seen as an expert in your field
- What not to do on LinkedIn
- And MUCH more…
These techniques are tailored for the professional sales person however I have designed this eBook to be useful for any professional on LinkedIn. Whether you are a small business owner or a corporate CEO, you will benefit from every one of these tips.
Why Am I Giving Away the eBook for Free?”
When I first started working on this eBook I had friends, family, and colleagues look it over to give me a fresh perspective. I asked them to let me know if it met my own very high standards, specifically:
- Is it informative?
- Is it easy to read?
- Would you share this with your network?
- Do the tips seem practical and easy to follow?
When I had the affirmative to all these answers I knew it was ready (or as close to ready and perfect as a informational product can be).
But I was always asked one question, “Johnny this stuff is great, people would pay for this info. Why aren’t you selling it?”
To be honest this was something I was initially considering. I fancy myself as being a decent writer and thought that people would pay for this proprietary information. But every time I thought about it I remembered that the reason I started The Sales Pro Blog is to help others; not to sell to them.
Now don’t get me wrong, in the future I plan to have products of my own to sell here. Products that will bring value many times over what the initial cost is.
But to answer their questions; I’m here to help sales professionals, not sell to them.
I want to build a community through The Sales Pro Blog where real relationships are valued more than the number of subscribers to my email list.
I’m sorry but in my small world, the money is not in the list, it’s in the value.
If you VALUE my site you will visit it.
If you VALUE my content you will share it.
If you VALUE me you will reach out, connect, and interact with me.
And then, and only then, if your life is better because of me or my site, you will buy my products (coming soon) to increase that success momentum.
I believe this eBook can start us on that journey.
How To Get Your Free eBook
It’s quite simple, complete the below information (name & email), pay with a tweet, and start optimizing. Not only will you be able to download the eBook immediately but I’ll be able to stay in touch with you.
Like I mentioned I’m only interested in building relationships and a strong network of like-minded individuals. So from time to time (once a week or so) I’ll send you a short email about a variety of topics about sales training, management, strategy, LinkedIn optimization, or just to let you know about something big going on that will be of value to you.
I’ll even need your help from time to time to help push me in the direction you want this blog to go.
No SPAM though, promise. And if I ever deviate from the above please let me know. If I did anything less than I promise I’d be just like you and unsubscribe.
So please don’t download the eBook if you never want to hear from me again. You see this site is about more than just sales techniques and selling. It’s about success, professional brand development, negotiating, managing sales teams, colleague interactions, business growth, and a whole lot more.
In a nutshell my responsibility is to make you, the person you, a SUCCESS. If you’re a success, your life will be a success, your business will be a success and everything else will just fall into place.
This is my passion. Let me help you find yours.

Hi Johnny,
I am a relative newcomer to linked in and hope it will assist me in prospecting
Looking forward to reading this
I m interested to have your sales pro guide
Hi Krishna, I’m happy to hear that. You can get it by either signing up for the Sales Pro Blog newsletter or by going to the page listed at the top “Contact” and sending me a message. I’ll be happy to send you the guide.